What to visit / Science trails / Women Scientists Trail / Montserrat Garriga Cabrero

Montserrat Garriga Cabrero

Botanist (Cienfuegos, Cuba, 5th November 1865 - Barcelona, 5th May 1956 )

Our women scientists trail wouldn't be complete without Montserrat Garriga Cabrero, a renowned botanist who grew and collected different plant species from all over Catalonia, which she then dried, studied and categorised. After studying with Dr Pius Font i Quer, she became his follower and associate.

Her outstanding scientific work made it possible to expand the botany section of the Barcelona natural science trust, the Junta de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, the precursor of the current Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona.

She also played an active role in setting up the Institut Botànic de Barcelona. This research centre is housed in the city's botanical gardens, the Jardí Botànic de Barcelona, one of the city's must-visit places. This led her to become a renowned botanist and her donations of dried plant specimens were of great importance to scientific research.

A curious fact: her birth name was María Caridad del Cobre Garriga Cabrero but after her family moved from Cuba to Catalonia when she was a little girl, they decided to change her name to the more Catalan Montserrat.

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