What to visit / Science trails / Barcelona's Light Trail

Barcelona's Light Trail

Light is part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum that can be seen by the human eye. A form of energy that lights things, makes them visible and enables us to see different colours according to its wavelength.

Our Light Trail sets out to show you that Barcelona is a city of light and full of energy. We'll begin by observing and studying the sun and solar energy at the Observatori Fabra. We'll also see the importance of light in the photographic process with the creation of the first daguerreotype, which is preserved at the Reial Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona.

Electricity helped Barcelona become one of the main drivers of change in industry. The city was home to the first electricity company, the Sociedad General de Energía, and the first electric power station in Spain. We will see how electricity evolved and its different uses, through pioneering individuals, such as Pearson.

Finally, the Light Trail will show you some of the city's iconic landmarks lit up at night such as the Font Màgica de Monjuïc and the Torre Glòries. If you don't know what to do in Barcelona at night, these places will show you that light can also be a tourist attraction and take you on original night-time trails.

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