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Result of your search for "cocktails"

Suggestions 10 - 20 from11
  • Gastronomy in cultural centres

    Gastronomy in cultural centres

    Gastronomy and culture go hand in hand so much so that Barcelona combines culture with fine dining. You can eat in a Museum or in a unique builing here... the choice is yours!

  • Live music enjoy music at its most authentic

    Live music enjoy music at its most authentic

    Barcelona offers to its visitors with the chance to enjoy music in the most genuine way possible: close up and in spaces so that you can soak up the local atmosphere just like a local.

  • Autumn's here to bring you a new ExperienceBarcelona

    Autumn's here to bring you a new ExperienceBarcelona

    Autumn brought us a new #BarcelonaExperience… and we enjoyed it to the full! A wine and food tour, a visit to Europe's biggest art nouveau complex, a helicopter ride… Could you ask for anything more?

  • Plans for the summer in Barcelona grab your diary

    Plans for the summer in Barcelona grab your diary

    Summer's here and the city is awash with things to do! Festivals, summer nights, tapas restaurants and terraces… Choose yours and enjoy!

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