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Result of your search for "exhibitions"

Suggestions 60 - 70 from79
  • Quiosc


  • Museums with the family

    Museums with the family

    Barcelona's museums offer endless activities that make culture child's play.

  • Sport museums

    Sport museums

    Barcelona and sport have a special relationship. FC Barcelona and the Olympic Games are inextricably linked to the city, and its sports museums will reveal its most exciting and unknown side.

  • Science and family tourism go hand in hand in Barcelona

    Science and family tourism go hand in hand in Barcelona

    Discover scientific secrets on these sightseeing trails that are perfect to enjoy with the family.

  • A zerocost cultural afternoon

    A zerocost cultural afternoon

    On Sunday in Barcelona most ticket-office staff seem to have part of the day off, so you won't have to buy tickets for most main museums. The only thing to remember is this rule only applies after 3pm or all day on the first Sunday in the month. That's right! You can enjoy the top museums without paying a penny… surely one of the best deals in town.

  • Museum Night art in the moonlight

    Museum Night art in the moonlight

    The Barcelona moon bears witness to thousands of magical nights. Although, if you asked it about La Nit dels Museus (Museum Night), it would say that it casts its own peculiar spell, and has a special magnetism that is hard to explain, making it into a night that nobody, whatever their age, should miss.

  • Literary Barcelona at its best

    Literary Barcelona at its best

    Barcelona contains a host of literary Settings and many novels have vicariously helped their readers to travel. Now you can tour the city by following the Settings of certain books written by internationally renowned authors. We propose you 5 literary routes.

  • Literary trails in Barcelona and around Catalonia

    Literary trails in Barcelona and around Catalonia

    Literature and Barcelona are the stars of their own love story. A good number of writers have set their novels in the city or have moved there to pursue their literary careers. Do you want to follow in their footsteps and discover their legacies? If so, our literary trails are the perfect plan. Do you want to turn the page?

  • Culture and food in Barcelona to suit all tastes

    Culture and food in Barcelona to suit all tastes

    If you can picture yourself enjoying the most iconic architecture and finest food, Barcelona is the place for you. You can dine at superb restaurants inside landmarks of historic and architectural interest. Have we whet your appetite?

  • Plans for summer in Barcelona Enjoy

    Plans for summer in Barcelona Enjoy

    Look no further, because Barcelona has everything you want. This summer, the city has the best plans for the summer: more than 400 live concerts, international festivals, plans for the evenings so you can escape the heat and enjoy the peace and quiet of the night, cultural activities across the city, food to suit all tastes… and the sea, beaches, boulevards, gardens, shops… Welcome to the summer of your life.

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