Destructures of Power. Regina Silveira - La Virreina Centre de la ImatgeWinter Art Season, Exhibitions
11/16/2024 - 03/30/2025
Regina Silveira (Porto Alegre, 1939) is one of Brazil's pioneers when it comes to experimenting with new technologies for the technical reproduction and circulation of images. This multimedia artist is a key figure in conceptual art and for sixty years has dedicated herself to analyzing, criticizing and dismantling conventional representation systems. Her art uses irony and conceptual tangents to question the status quo through graphic, audiovisual, performative and three-dimensional projects. Now La Virreina Centre de la Imatge is putting on an exhibition that encompasses much of Silveira's research, experimentation and artistic production. The show spills out from the exhibition spaces and reaches out to the public on the Ramblas with an augmented reality piece that is located in the courtyard of the Palau de la Virreina.