Things to do / Agenda



Barcelona welcomes you to...

  • PCMA Convening EMEA

    30 September-2 October
    An unmissable event in the business events sector.

  • Graphispag 2024

    1-3 October 2024
    Discover the innovation capacity of the printing industry.

  • ESMRMB 2024

    2-5 October
    European experts sharing the latest trends in magnetic resonance in medicine.

  • CSIO Barcelona

    3-6 October 2024
    Welcome to Longines FEI Jumping Nations Cup™ with the best corrent horsE riders.


Barcelona, welcoming by nature

BCN Life

As part of the Louis Vuitton 37th America's Cup, members of the teams taking part will be talking about the city, what sets it apart and the role it plays in the event.

Plans for summer in Barcelona. Enjoy!

Seasonal , For family

A prop de Barcelona, trobareu un munt d'activitats i propostes per gaudir sol, amb parella o amb amics de l'enoturisme, rutes per conèixer la tradició del vi i del cava arrelada en paisatges de gran bellesa i diversitat. Des dels cellers tradicionals ubicats a les terres d'interior fins a les vinyes vora mar; maridat amb la gastronomia més tradicional o amb l'arquitectura més moderna, les cinc Denominacions d'Origen de les comarques de Barcelona tenen molt a oferir-vos.

Summer nights in Barcelona: the definitive guide

Seasonal , BCN Life

The golden hour begins, the sun is setting and the city become the focus of cultural, art and food-related events. These are the "Nits d'estiu" (Summer nights), an ambitious project that makes the city the go-to place for an unforgettable summer.

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