Things to do / Agenda / With the family / Activities for all the family at Museu de la Ciència Cosmocaixa

Activities for all the family at Museu de la Ciència CosmocaixaWith the family, Science and innovation
01/01/2024 - 12/31/2024

Family activities at Museu de la Ciència Cosmocaixa are never-ending. From astronomical projections for all ages at the top of the Planetarium or workshops to experiment, discover, learn and have fun, to events where science and performing arts are mixed and transformed into shows for the whole family.


Chain Reaction: until August 29. Workshop
Click: until September 11. Workshop
Micrarium: until September 11. Workshop
Bubble Planetarium: until September 11. Workshop
Creactivity: until September 11. Workshop
At the rhythm of numbers and figures: until September 11. Workshop
Remote-Controlled Sounds: until September 11. Workshop


Postcards from Other Worlds: until September 11
Planet Hunters: until September 11
Dinosaurs: a survival story: until September 11

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