History in Feminine. Gender, Women and the CityBarcelona in feminine, Others
03/09/2025 - 03/29/2025
The Museum of the History of Barcelona presents "La història en femení. Gènere, dones i ciutat", a series of activities that, coinciding with International Women's Day, highlights the role of women in Barcelona's history. Throughout March, urban tours explore their presence in different historical periods, from the Middle Ages to the Spanish Civil War. There are also express visits to El Born and curated tours led by experts. The programme includes a conference on gender and labour mobility in industrial Barcelona.
"Vedettes i milicians. El Paral·lel i el barri del Poble-sec durant la guerra civil" - 1st March, 11am to 1.30pm. For further information
"Dones amb empenta a la Barcelona medieval" - 9th March, 11am to 1pm. For further information
"Veus silenciades. Les dones del 1700 - 9th March, 12pm to 2pm. For further information
"La ciutat de les dones. Barcelona i els inicis del feminisme" - 16th March, 11am to 1pm. For further information
"Dones i revoltes a l'ombra de la industrialització - 22th March, 11am to 1.30pm. For further information
"Dones i rereguarda" - 29th March, 11am to 1.30pm. For further information