Sortir al dia: The Book of the Dead of the Ancient Egyptians - Museu Egipci de Barcelona
Winter Art Season, Exhibitions
05/31/2024 - 06/30/2025
The exhibition Sortir al dia: The Book of the Dead of the Ancient Egyptians reveals an in-depth look at one of the most significant works of ancient Egyptian culture. This compendium of religious wisdom served as an essential guide to prepare the soul for a fulfilling existence after death. Through seventy selected pieces from the Museu Egipci de Barcelona and outstanding documents from the Biblioteca Jordi Clos Llombart, visitors explore the complexity and depth of this cultural artefact. From meticulously crafted texts to symbolic illustrations, the exhibition offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the mysteries and rituals of a fascinating civilisation that sought to ensure eternity for its deceased..