Things to do / Culture / Museums & Exhibition centers / Science and Technology Museums / Jardí Botànic de Barcelona
  • Jardí Botànic de Barcelona

  • Jardí Botànic de Barcelona

  • Jardí Botànic de Barcelona. JM del Llobet

Jardí Botànic de Barcelona

The Barcelona Botanical Garden gathers plants from all over the world that have adapted to live in the regions of the planet that have Mediterranean climate conditions. In addition to the Mediterranean basin, these regions are southern Australia, South Africa, central Chile and California. The floristic richness of these areas and the similarity of their landscapes are the source of inspiration for the Botanical Garden.

Designed by an interdisciplinary team led by the architect Carlos Ferrater, the Barcelona Botanical Garden displays a total of 2,000 species distributed according to their geographical origin and, at the same time, grouped according to the landscape they form in nature. Thus, in just 14 hectares, it is possible to take a walk through four continents in a unique landscape and architectural environment with excellent views of the city, the Collserola mountain range and the metropolitan area.

The Garden, which won the FAD Award for Architecture in 2002, preserves a collection of bonsai of Mediterranean species that is on permanent display. The Botanical Garden organizes all kinds of activities related to botany aimed at all audiences.

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