What to visit / Themed routes / Street sculptures route

Street sculptures

In addition to architecture, there are lots of reasons to explore Barcelona with your eyes wide open. Its streets, avenues and squares are dotted with sculptures and other works of art by renowned artists like Miró, Tàpies, Picasso and Joan Brossa, as well as the foremost sculptors from Catalonia's art nouveau movement, modernisme, such as Josep Llimona and Lluís Domènech i Montaner, and the classicist movement, Joan Roig i Solé and Venanci Vallmitjana.

From the coast to the uptown neighbourhoods, the city is an open-air museum dotted with sculptures and other works of art you can view as you explore the city on foot. Most of them are iconic landmarks that reinforce Barcelona's passion for art and design. Walk through Barcelona and don't miss a single one!

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