What to visit / Themed routes / Water Culture Trail / Tibidabo Water Tower
  • Tibidabo Water Tower - Barcelona

  • Tibidabo Water Tower - Barcelona

Tibidabo Water Tower

Tibidabo, the highest point on the Collserola ridge, is one of the city's iconic attractions and well worth a visit. It has a very interesting history. In 1899, a company – the Sociedad Anónima del Tibidabo – set up by a select group of individuals from Barcelona's high society and led by the pharmacist Salvador Andreu, began building on the mountain. The initial project was a residential estate for well-to-do families.

In 1901, the main avenue, Avinguda del Tibidabo, was laid out, and a new tram service launched to improve access to the steeply sloping site. As you stroll along the avenue, you'll be able to see the majestic art nouveau mansions with their gardens that date from this time. The tram went as far as Plaça del Doctor Andreu where the funicular railway was located. The tram, which was renamed the Tramvia Blau, or Blue Tram, in 1942, is still running today, as is the funicular, the Cuca de Llum, or glow worm, which is the best way to get to the top of the mountain and the Tibidabo Amusement Park.

Perched on top of the mountain, 523 metres above sea level, you'll find the Tibidabo water tower. It is 35 metres high and has a tank that can hold more than 200m3 of water. In 1905, the developers asked the Barcelona water company, the Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona, to build a tower to supply the newly built properties with water. They commissioned the architect, Josep Amargós i Samaranch, to design the project.

The water tower was an iconic landmark in its day. Built in the home-grown Catalan art nouveau, or modernista, style, it had the first electric lift in Spain, designed by the engineer Joan Torras Guardiola. The tower became a symbol of progress because its advanced technology meant it could pump water to very high ground. It is still operational today and provides water for the properties near the mountain.

The water tower was the only building that could be seen on the top of Tibidabo until 1921, when the ride, known as the Talaia, or watchtower, was built in the amusement park. The Sacred Heart Church of Atonement was completed in 1961 and Norman Foster's Telecommunications Tower opened in 1992. Today they are all iconic Tibidabo landmarks.

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