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Result of your search for "Barcelona lifestyle"

Suggestions 100 - 110 from116
  • Barcelona for virtual travellers

    Barcelona for virtual travellers

    When we travel, we want to connect with new destinations without having to disconnect from our familiar surroundings. Luckily for us, in the second decade of the 21st century, few of us leave home without our smartphone or tablet: travelling companions that mean we never feel truly alone. The problem is that we may not be able to find a network we can connect to… but this is something you won't have to worry about in Barcelona.

  • Barcelona LGTBIQ Friendly

    Barcelona LGTBIQ Friendly

    Barcelona is a pioneer in design, the counterculture and setting trends, so it should come as no surprise that for decades now, it has been at the forefront of the movement defending gender and sexual diversity. This has made it a destination that welcomes the LGBTQI+ community. Come and discover everything Barcelona has to offer so you can enjoy your stay in absolute freedom!

  • Barcelona Skibus Alp 2500

    Barcelona Skibus Alp 2500

    Barcelona is the city of contrasts. It is not big in comparison with different capital city, but very dynamic and international, calm but also very active. It has everything: beautiful architecture, cultural events, sea and finally I saw mountains with snow near Barcelona and decided that this is the best city in the world!

  • 23rd April Sant Jordi Find out why you'll want to be in Barcelona

    23rd April Sant Jordi Find out why you'll want to be in Barcelona

    There's one day every year when travellers and visitors to Barcelona feel like they're on another planet. This is a day when Barcelona is suffused with a different atmosphere and it seems that everybody heads to the streets. So if you're planning on coming to Barcelona and your visit coincides with 23rd April, you're in luck! You'll experience the city on what is arguably the Barcelonians' most cherished day.

  • The district of Sant Andreu Barcelona at its most authentic

    The district of Sant Andreu Barcelona at its most authentic

    There are many Barcelonas, and the district of Sant Andreu is one of the clearest examples of this. Although outside the city centre, it is steeped in the essence of Catalonia: picturesque spots, history, centuries-old shops and futuristic amenities blend harmoniously. Come and visit and you'll feel like a genuine Barcelonian.

  • Passeig de Sant Joan and its surrounding area where the locals love to hang out

    Passeig de Sant Joan and its surrounding area where the locals love to hang out

    Passeig de Sant Joan doesn't just link two of the city's coolest neighbourhoods, it has recently become the go-to place for Barcelona locals. The stretch between Carrer València and Carrer Casp and the surrounding area has been newly laid out making it ideal for cyclists and pedestrians. It has become a hotspot with interesting bars and restaurants, delightful shops and places that will simply amaze you.

  • Christmas in Barcelona you can't imagine all the surprises there are in store

    Christmas in Barcelona you can't imagine all the surprises there are in store

    Christmas is the time of year when families get together again, a time for Christmas fairs, lights, presents and good wishes. In Barcelona, we also celebrate traditions in a different and unique way. We put together Nativity scenes, we beat a log with a smiley face, known as the tió, until gifts pop out from under him, we are visited by the home dels Nassos, or man with the noses, who has as many noses as there are days of the year, and we eat a type of nougat called turrón and tubular wafers, known as neules,... Come and discover them!

  • This Christmas be a local

    This Christmas be a local

    Useful vocabulary to spend Chirstmas in Barcelona.

  • On the vermouth trail discover some of the best places to have an aperitif

    On the vermouth trail discover some of the best places to have an aperitif

    Do you want to feel like a true Barcelonian? Well, if you do, you can't miss out on going for a vermut. For years this aromatic, herby wine has been the favourite Sunday pre-lunch tipple with local families.

  • Barcelona and sport a love story

    Barcelona and sport a love story

    Love of sporting values and emotions. Love of teamwork and seeing sportsmen and women beat their personal best. Love of the open air, speed and cheering on your favourites. There are so many sports to enjoy in Barcelona, you’ll be spoilt for choice.

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