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Result of your search for "Barcelona lifestyle"

Suggestions 50 - 60 from131
  • Parc de Sant Martí

    Set out around the original centre of the Clot neighbourhood, the park offers six hectares of green space where you can walk, do some sport or meet up with friends and neighbours.

  • Rambla del Poblenou

    Rambla del Poblenou

    This street is the hub of the Poblenou's cultural, social and retail life. As you walk along it, you'll be able to explore this former industrial area and see modernity blend with tradition and the community life that have defined Poblenou over the years.

  • Parc del Centre del Poblenou

    Parc del Centre del Poblenou

    Jean Nouvel's imprint can be seen once again in the new Barcelona. An architectural gem combining different zones and a variety of planting.

  • Parc de la Creueta del Coll

    Parc de la Creueta del Coll

    A green space in Gràcia's district with a unique area for bathing which also conceals several artistic surprises.

  • Boqueria Market

    Boqueria Market

    La Rambla's history is the Boqueria Market's history. The evolution from a past of peddlers to a modern and charming present, full of colour and life.

  • Santa Caterina Market

    Santa Caterina Market

    From the Barcelona Cathedral, an undulating, brightly coloured roof catches our eye. The original design of the building, as well as the treasure trove of produce displayed on its stalls, won't disappoint visitors to the neighbourhood of Santa Caterina.

  • Casa Martí Els 4 gats

    Casa Martí Els 4 gats

    Nestling in a quiet side street of Barcelona, the café-restaurant, "Els quatre gats", is located on the ground floor of the Casa Martí. The building, with its medieval-style exterior, invites us to step into its cosy interior which was the meeting place for the intellectuals of modernist Barcelona, at the end of the 19th century.

  • Parc Diagonal Mar

    Parc Diagonal Mar

    This ambitious contemporary work encapsulates Barcelona's desire to become a city at the forefront of originality and sustainable architecture.

  • Port Olímpic

    Port Olímpic

    Barcelona's Olympic Marina has become one of the city's most popular leisure areas. Water sports, the beaches and countless restaurants serving seafood cuisine are just some of the attractions in this, the most Mediterranean part of Barcelona.

  • Sant Antoni Market

    Sant Antoni Market

    A historic market which retains the architecture, vibrancy and charm of its origins.

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