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Result of your search for "Barcelona lifestyle"

Suggestions 80 - 90 from131
  • Retail areas

    Retail areas

  • Shops Shopping Centers and Department Stores

    Shops Shopping Centers and Department Stores

  • Maritime Barcelone

    Maritime Barcelone

  • Safety coexistence and health

    Safety coexistence and health

    Barcelona is an open city that is fun to live in and we want to keep it that way.

  • ZBE Rondes de Barcelona

    ZBE Rondes de Barcelona

  • Sustainable Barcelona

  • Local commerce

    Local commerce

    In a globalized, over-replicated world, it is a joy to find that Barcelona still offers an outdoor showcase of emblematic stores and time-honored establishments that maintain all the genuine character of the city.

  • Green Barcelona

    Green Barcelona

    Nature is also a key element of the city. Parks and gardens are our urban green spaces, and allow you to switch off, breathe in some fresh air, and recharge your batteries.

  • Blue Barcelona

    Blue Barcelona

    The bond between Barcelona and the sea goes back to even before Roman Barcino. The city has lived from the sea and for the sea, and throughout its history it has been a conduit for meeting and sharing cultures.

  • Barcelona's markets

    Barcelona's markets are places where you can enjoy a lively, vibrant atmosphere in surroundings where the cries of the market’s stallholders and the daily bustle intermingle. Few cities in the world can boast a network such as that of Barcelona: 40 food markets and 6 markets selling other goods form a unique heritage that should be maintained and preserved. The stalls are a showcase for a whole host of fresh produce. The Boqueria Market, on La Rambla, is one of Barcelona's best-known markets, and has become a major landmark. It was named the world's best food market at the Congress of the World Union of Wholesale Markets in Washington 2006.

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