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Result of your search for "culture"

Suggestions 120 - 130 from146
  • 23rd April Sant Jordi Find out why you'll want to be in Barcelona

    23rd April Sant Jordi Find out why you'll want to be in Barcelona

    There's one day every year when travellers and visitors to Barcelona feel like they're on another planet. This is a day when Barcelona is suffused with a different atmosphere and it seems that everybody heads to the streets. So if you're planning on coming to Barcelona and your visit coincides with 23rd April, you're in luck! You'll experience the city on what is arguably the Barcelonians' most cherished day.

  • The district of Sant Andreu Barcelona at its most authentic

    The district of Sant Andreu Barcelona at its most authentic

    There are many Barcelonas, and the district of Sant Andreu is one of the clearest examples of this. Although outside the city centre, it is steeped in the essence of Catalonia: picturesque spots, history, centuries-old shops and futuristic amenities blend harmoniously. Come and visit and you'll feel like a genuine Barcelonian.

  • Seasonal produce mushrooms

    Seasonal produce mushrooms

    If you're someone who enjoys savouring every trip to the full, this is unquestionably your time of year to visit Barcelona. Every year, with the first autumn rains, Catalonia undergoes a cultural and culinary transformation focusing on a food that is an intrinsic part of its identity: mushrooms.

  • This Christmas be a local

    This Christmas be a local

    Useful vocabulary to spend Chirstmas in Barcelona.

  • Literary Barcelona at its best

    Literary Barcelona at its best

    Barcelona contains a host of literary Settings and many novels have vicariously helped their readers to travel. Now you can tour the city by following the Settings of certain books written by internationally renowned authors. We propose you 5 literary routes.

  • This is Barcelona

    This is Barcelona

    They said to us "This is Barcelona" and showed us a postcard of the Pedraforca. We didn't believe it, but just 2 hours outside Barcelona you can be in the heart of the countryside and the Pyrenees mountains.

    In the Pyrenees, you have plenty to do, whether it's sport, culture or gastronomy. In any season of the year, if you go to Barcelona, take a break in the Pyrenees, and discover it for yourselves.

  • Barcelona and Accessibility A Wheelchair Users Dream

    Barcelona and Accessibility A Wheelchair Users Dream

    Barcelona was a city that I had dreamed of visiting for such a long time and was firmly at the top of my travel bucket list. So I was beyond thrilled and excited to finally visit beautiful Barcelona for four wonderful days.

  • Live music enjoy music at its most authentic

    Live music enjoy music at its most authentic

    Barcelona offers to its visitors with the chance to enjoy music in the most genuine way possible: close up and in spaces so that you can soak up the local atmosphere just like a local.

  • The Ribera between art and the sea

    The Ribera between art and the sea

    The Ribera neighbourhood has its own unique charm. The streets of the Ribera are a living time capsule of the city-s history, and the neighbourhood still provides a window onto the Mediterranean. It is a charming spot with a wide range of options for you to enjoy the sea and culture. Below you-ll find some suggestions for activities you can enjoy for a day.

  • ExperienceBarcelona an alternative way of enjoying an intensive weekend in the city

    ExperienceBarcelona an alternative way of enjoying an intensive weekend in the city

    Art, gastronomy, views, excursions by sea and historical secrets… you can do a lot in Barcelona in 48 hours, and we had the opportunity to take advantage of all of it on June 16th and 17th with #ExperienceBarcelona. How would you like to discover it too?

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