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Result of your search for "culture"

Suggestions 90 - 100 from146
  • Josep Puig i Cadafalch Route

    Josep Puig i Cadafalch Route

    Puig i Cadafalch was a politician and art and architecture historian who became one of the leading figures in the Catalan nationalist movement due to his desire to reclaim Catalonia’s historic and cultural roots. This is reflected in an architecture which evolved from modernisme to noucentisme but never eschewed traditional forms.

  • Castell de Montjuïc

    Castell de Montjuïc

    Standing on a vantage point, Montjuïc Castle commands stunning views of the city. Now a peaceable place, the memory of this fortress endures in Barcelona as a symbol of repression but also of the city's struggles during different periods in its history.

  • La Ciutat del Teatre

    La Ciutat del Teatre

    One of Barcelona's key venues for the performing arts, the Ciutat del Teatre on Montjuïc Hill brings together a series of theatre spaces which host all kinds of performances.

  • The Fossar de les Moreres

    The Fossar de les Moreres

    The Fossar de les Moreres is a place of great symbolic significance where the weight of history takes centre stage. Here, right in the centre of the Born neighbourhood, was the site of the graveyard for the fallen during the 1714 Siege of Barcelona. A monument stands on the site as a reminder. The place sometimes goes unnoticed by visitors. For the Catalans, the fossar is more than a memory. It is a homage.

  • Despair Josep Llimona

    Despair Josep Llimona

    A paradigmatic work of Catalan art nouveau, modernisme, replete with symbolism while stripped of dramatism. The idealisation of the female form and the theme of sorrow were characteristic of the taste of the period.

  • Cripta Gaudí at the Colonia Güell

    Cripta Gaudí at the Colonia Güell

    The Colònia Güell, one of the most pioneering purpose-built industrial villages of the 19th century is located in the town of Santa Coloma de Cervelló, 23 Km to the south-west of Barcelona. Gaudí developed the architectural innovations of his later works in the church crypt, which has been designated a Unesco World Heritage site.

  • Cercle del Liceu

    Cercle del Liceu

    The Cercle del Liceu is an English-style private members' club, with its own unique art collection. With almost 1,000 members, the club comprises elegant sitting rooms, a lecture room, a restaurant and other services in a landmark building which it shares with the opera house, the Gran Teatre del Liceu.

  • Ciutat Vella

    Ciutat Vella

    Let yourself be transported back to other eras in the heart of Barcelona.

  • Eixample


    A real open-air museum of modernisme.

  • Barcelona

    The 11 counties in Barcelona province offer you a whole host of possibilities so that you can enjoy leisure, culture and nature.

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