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Result of your search for "open-air activities"

Suggestions 130 - 140 from148
  • Barcelona's best shops

    Barcelona's best shops

    Barcelona is the perfect place to go shopping whether you're wanting to renew your wardrobe with clothes by leading brands, or want to browse shops with soul and take away some local products. As you wander through its streets, you'll find everything from fashions and hand-made items to decorative goods and gourmet produce. A love of design is part of the city's DNA so if you're interested in unique and inspiring shops, you've come to the right place.

  • Wine culture in Barcelona

    Wine culture in Barcelona

    Enjoying good wine in Barcelona is one of the activities you should not miss out on during your visit to the city. It is an experience to complement your discovery of the city's history and architectural heritage, along with its varied and diverse cultural offerings.

  • Experience Barcelona's gastronomy first hand

    Experience Barcelona's gastronomy first hand

    It is almost impossible to visit a city without experiencing its cuisine, and this is an excellent way of getting to know the local culture. Barcelona is no exception to this rule.

  • Barcelona a city made for walking with a lifestyle for sharing

    Barcelona a city made for walking with a lifestyle for sharing

    Barcelona has got something for everyone. It is a walkable city and enjoys a mild Mediterranean climate, which makes it the perfect place to visit at any time of the year.

  • Picasso Celebration 19732023

    Picasso Celebration 19732023

    In 2023, we will be commemorating the 50th anniversary of Picasso's death and 60 years since the Museu Picasso in Barcelona opened. The city is joining in the official worldwide celebrations with a series of cultural events that everyone can take part in.

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