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Result of your search for "agenda"

Suggestions 200 - 210 from238
  • La Ciutat del Teatre

    La Ciutat del Teatre

    One of Barcelona's key venues for the performing arts, the Ciutat del Teatre on Montjuïc Hill brings together a series of theatre spaces which host all kinds of performances.

  • Retail areas

    Retail areas

  • Shops Shopping Centers and Department Stores

    Shops Shopping Centers and Department Stores

  • Sport museums

    Sport museums

    Barcelona and sport have a special relationship. FC Barcelona and the Olympic Games are inextricably linked to the city, and its sports museums will reveal its most exciting and unknown side.

  • Experience La Mercè festival like one of the locals

    Experience La Mercè festival like one of the locals

    If you're thinking of heading to Barcelona for a break in September, there are five key dates on the calendar when the city opens its doors and celebrates its festivals in style. The Catalan capital dresses up for the occasion to pay tribute to the Mare de Déu de la Mercè, patron saint of Barcelona since 1687.

  • Museum Night art in the moonlight

    Museum Night art in the moonlight

    The Barcelona moon bears witness to thousands of magical nights. Although, if you asked it about La Nit dels Museus (Museum Night), it would say that it casts its own peculiar spell, and has a special magnetism that is hard to explain, making it into a night that nobody, whatever their age, should miss.

  • 23rd April Sant Jordi Find out why you'll want to be in Barcelona

    23rd April Sant Jordi Find out why you'll want to be in Barcelona

    There's one day every year when travellers and visitors to Barcelona feel like they're on another planet. This is a day when Barcelona is suffused with a different atmosphere and it seems that everybody heads to the streets. So if you're planning on coming to Barcelona and your visit coincides with 23rd April, you're in luck! You'll experience the city on what is arguably the Barcelonians' most cherished day.

  • Christmas in Barcelona you can't imagine all the surprises there are in store

    Christmas in Barcelona you can't imagine all the surprises there are in store

    Christmas is the time of year when families get together again, a time for Christmas fairs, lights, presents and good wishes. In Barcelona, we also celebrate traditions in a different and unique way. We put together Nativity scenes, we beat a log with a smiley face, known as the tió, until gifts pop out from under him, we are visited by the home dels Nassos, or man with the noses, who has as many noses as there are days of the year, and we eat a type of nougat called turrón and tubular wafers, known as neules,... Come and discover them!

  • This Christmas be a local

    This Christmas be a local

    Useful vocabulary to spend Chirstmas in Barcelona.

  • Literary Barcelona at its best

    Literary Barcelona at its best

    Barcelona contains a host of literary Settings and many novels have vicariously helped their readers to travel. Now you can tour the city by following the Settings of certain books written by internationally renowned authors. We propose you 5 literary routes.

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