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Result of your search for "agenda"

Suggestions 220 - 230 from244
  • Poble Espanyol de Barcelona

    Poble Espanyol de Barcelona

    An open-air museum comprising full-scale replicas of 117 buildings from different parts of Spain.

  • Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys

    Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys

    The Lluís Companys Olympic Stadium was built for the 1929 International Exhibition. It was refurbished for the 1992 Olympic Games and currently hosts large-scale sporting competitions and concerts.

  • Palau Sant Jordi

    Palau Sant Jordi

    One of the buildings that heralded the city's entry into the contemporary era was the Palau Sant Jordi, a large, covered sports complex used for all kinds of sporting, recreational and cultural events.

  • Castell de Montjuïc

    Castell de Montjuïc

    Standing on a vantage point, Montjuïc Castle commands stunning views of the city. Now a peaceable place, the memory of this fortress endures in Barcelona as a symbol of repression but also of the city's struggles during different periods in its history.

  • La Ciutat del Teatre

    La Ciutat del Teatre

    One of Barcelona's key venues for the performing arts, the Ciutat del Teatre on Montjuïc Hill brings together a series of theatre spaces which host all kinds of performances.

  • Retail areas

    Retail areas

  • Shops Shopping Centers and Department Stores

    Shops Shopping Centers and Department Stores

  • Sport museums

    Sport museums

    Barcelona and sport have a special relationship. FC Barcelona and the Olympic Games are inextricably linked to the city, and its sports museums will reveal its most exciting and unknown side.

  • Experience La Mercè festival like one of the locals

    Experience La Mercè festival like one of the locals

    If you're thinking of heading to Barcelona for a break in September, there are five key dates on the calendar when the city opens its doors and celebrates its festivals in style. The Catalan capital dresses up for the occasion to pay tribute to the Mare de Déu de la Mercè, patron saint of Barcelona since 1687.

  • Museum Night art in the moonlight

    Museum Night art in the moonlight

    The Barcelona moon bears witness to thousands of magical nights. Although, if you asked it about La Nit dels Museus (Museum Night), it would say that it casts its own peculiar spell, and has a special magnetism that is hard to explain, making it into a night that nobody, whatever their age, should miss.

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