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Result of your search for "festival"

Suggestions 20 - 30 from46
  • 32a Mostra Internacional Films de Dones de Barcelona

    32a Mostra Internacional Films de Dones de Barcelona

    Women are also invisible in the world of cinema. For 32 years now, this audiovisual festival has existed to publicize and promote films directed by women. To do this, the festival screens the work of women directors from all over the world, with the aim of showing the how they contribute to the development of audiovisual creation.

  • Born Street Food

    Born Street Food

    The best cuisine in Born at street level is back with the the foodie festival par excellence in Barcelona, the Born Street Food. Grills, casseroles, fresh products and plenty of show cooking featured by the chefs of Barcelona Born Gourmet will be the main protagonists of this alfresco gastronomic festival.

    In 2024, the Born Street Food, is part of the Cultural Regatta, the programme of activities that accompanies the celebration of the Louis Vuitton 37th America's Cup in Barcelona.

  • Serielizados Fest

    Serielizados Fest

    In recent years, television series have become an authentic audiovisual phenomenon. Serielizados Fest, the festival organized by the magazine of the same name, celebrates its 11th edition this year with the debut of original series and documentaries on the Filmin platform. These productions have triumphed on television and at festivals throughout the world and come from countries as diverse as Iceland, the United Kingdom, Norway, Croatia, the United States, Japan and Italy. In addition to online, some of these exclusive premieres can be seen in person. Get your ticket and enjoy the best series available today.

  • DART Festival

    DART Festival

    The seventh art deals with the other six in this festival of cinema and art in Spain and Latin America. All disciplines have a place in the DART Festival: photography, art curatorship, painting, performance, architecture, art movements and, in general, any aspect of contemporary art, with a special focus on the artists, their creative processes and the stories behind their work. The different films are diverse in their approaches, but all of them cover some aspect from the emergence of the avant-garde at the beginning of the 20th century, up to the present day. In addition, the festival includes informational activities, talks, visits to art galleries, exhibitions and debates. It can also be followed in cinemas throughout Spain and online through the FILMIN platform.

  • Jazz I Am Barcelona International Jazz Meeting

    Jazz I Am Barcelona International Jazz Meeting

    Dates 2025 not yet cofirmed

    The Barcelona jazz scene is once again the protagonist of the new edition of Jazz I Am, Barcelona International Jazz Meeting. This annual international meeting born in 2019 strengthens the link between music professionals through conferences, workshops and, of course, many jazz concerts.

  • ArtsLibris


    This publishing fair specializing in artist publications, photobooks, contemporary thought, self-publishing and digital publications has been holding three annual events in Barcelona, Madrid and Lisbon since 2009, with the aim of creating meeting points between art and society through books. ArtsLibris is based on experimentation and dialogue through curatorial projects, seminars, debates, exhibitions, performances and much more. In addition, this year, the publishing collective behind the fair has opened a bookstore in Barcelona; a permanent space to continue bringing new publishing approaches to the public.

  • FSTVL B Parc del Fòrum

    FSTVL B Parc del Fòrum

    The Festival B is a great showcase in Barcelona for the latest, most innovative musical trends. For two days, the Parc del Fòrum is hosting a series of concerts by bands and artists who are shaping the music of tomorrow, such as Sen Senra, La Zowi, Abhir and many others. An unmissable event for everyone who wants to discover the latest in alternative sounds.

  • Oktoberfest 2024

    Oktoberfest 2024

    The German spirit comes to Barcelona with the Oktoberfest, a festival with twelve days of fun including live music, DJ performances, traditional Bavarian food and beer, lots of beer. A great festival that will be held in the Plaça de l'Univers at Fira Montjuïc.

  • MIRA 2024 Digital Arts Festival Fira de Barcelona

    MIRA 2024 Digital Arts Festival Fira de Barcelona

    The Barcelona Digital Arts Festival is celebrating its 13th edition, with a larger capacity thanks to its new location at the Fira de Barcelona [Barcelona Trade Fair]. Audio-visual shows, live bands, large-format art installations, 360º projections, digital art gallery and DJ sessions will take place over two days. This year, the musical programme includes Kim Gordon, along with performances by other artists such as Snow Strippers, Oneohtrix Point, Lorenzo Senni, Craig Richards and many more.

  • Alma Festival Jardins de Pedralbes

    Alma Festival Jardins de Pedralbes

    Surrounded by the walls and the charming corners in Poble Espanyol, the Alma Festival remains firmly faithful to its eclectic program of great international stars as well as cult bands. In 2024 Alma Festival is welcoming artists such as Jamie Cullum, James Blunt, Vetusta Morla, Take That, Valeria Castro and Queens of the Stone Age. This year The Village opens its doors to anyone who wants to discover a wide range of cuisine while enjoying new musical proposals in the city on the stage Seat Mo.

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