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Result of your search for "routes"

Suggestions 40 - 50 from52
  • Undiscovered architectural heritage route

    Undiscovered architectural heritage route

  • Historic streets

    Historic streets

    The city streets are an extension of the lives of its inhabitants; they are part of their homes, their way of sharing and living together in what is, in short, their home or everyone's home. If we walk through Barcelona,  we'll see that every street has its own unique story to tell.

  • Barcelona on two wheels

    Barcelona on two wheels

    Who said that bikes were only for the summer? In the Catalan capital you can use them all year round. They're also one of the most fun ways to explore the city in the open air, with your friends, family or on your own.

  • Barcelona for runners

    Barcelona for runners

    Running fever has spread throughout the world at the speed of an Olympic runner. But where do the Barcelona locals train? What are the best routes for running and discovering the city? That's enough questions. Let's put on our running shoes and explore them for ourselves.

  • The wine and cava trail

    The wine and cava trail

    If anything defines Catalonia, it's its vineyards which not only shape its landscape but the very essence of its nature, traditions and historic legacy. Just a short distance from Barcelona, 30 minutes by road, you can immerse yourself in the counties of Alt Penedès, Anoia, Baix Llobregat, Baix Penedès and Garraf, which make up the Penedès region, which is famed around the world for its wines and cavas.

  • The district of Sant Andreu Barcelona at its most authentic

    The district of Sant Andreu Barcelona at its most authentic

    There are many Barcelonas, and the district of Sant Andreu is one of the clearest examples of this. Although outside the city centre, it is steeped in the essence of Catalonia: picturesque spots, history, centuries-old shops and futuristic amenities blend harmoniously. Come and visit and you'll feel like a genuine Barcelonian.

  • Barcelona a bird's eye view

    Barcelona a bird's eye view

    The best way to admire Barcelona in all its beauty is from high above the city. This is where Barcelona reveals itself in total splendour. Standing on a plain surrounded by ridges and low peaks, its unequalled geographical location conceals countless viewing spots, or miradors, that make it a treat for the most inquisitive eyes. Shall we take a look?

  • This is Barcelona

    This is Barcelona

    They said to us "This is Barcelona" and showed us a postcard of the Pedraforca. We didn't believe it, but just 2 hours outside Barcelona you can be in the heart of the countryside and the Pyrenees mountains.

    In the Pyrenees, you have plenty to do, whether it's sport, culture or gastronomy. In any season of the year, if you go to Barcelona, take a break in the Pyrenees, and discover it for yourselves.

  • Enjoy the autumn tints in and around Barcelona

    Enjoy the autumn tints in and around Barcelona

    A master of colour, Toulouse-Lautrec, once said that autumn is winter's spring. This season is a source of inspiration and beauty that Barcelona and its surrounding area reveal in all its splendour.

  • The Gothic Quarter and Olimpic Marina by land sea and air

    The Gothic Quarter and Olimpic Marina by land sea and air

    Can you imagine what Barcelona looks like from the sea? And from the sky? Well, now you can find out with a water-based activity in the Olympic Marina combined with a unique cultural tour of the Gothic Quarter, which will ensure you enjoy Barcelona to the full while gaining a different insight into the city.

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