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Result of your search for "walking routes"

Suggestions 50 - 60 from56
  • Enjoy the autumn tints in and around Barcelona

    Enjoy the autumn tints in and around Barcelona

    A master of colour, Toulouse-Lautrec, once said that autumn is winter's spring. This season is a source of inspiration and beauty that Barcelona and its surrounding area reveal in all its splendour.

  • ExperienceBarcelona an alternative way of enjoying an intensive weekend in the city

    ExperienceBarcelona an alternative way of enjoying an intensive weekend in the city

    Art, gastronomy, views, excursions by sea and historical secrets… you can do a lot in Barcelona in 48 hours, and we had the opportunity to take advantage of all of it on June 16th and 17th with #ExperienceBarcelona. How would you like to discover it too?

  • The Gothic Quarter and Olimpic Marina by land sea and air

    The Gothic Quarter and Olimpic Marina by land sea and air

    Can you imagine what Barcelona looks like from the sea? And from the sky? Well, now you can find out with a water-based activity in the Olympic Marina combined with a unique cultural tour of the Gothic Quarter, which will ensure you enjoy Barcelona to the full while gaining a different insight into the city.

  • Literary trails in Barcelona and around Catalonia

    Literary trails in Barcelona and around Catalonia

    Literature and Barcelona are the stars of their own love story. A good number of writers have set their novels in the city or have moved there to pursue their literary careers. Do you want to follow in their footsteps and discover their legacies? If so, our literary trails are the perfect plan. Do you want to turn the page?

  • Delve into Barcelona's unknown architecture and the most authentic local flavours with a zerocarbon footprint

    Delve into Barcelona's unknown architecture and the most authentic local flavours with a zerocarbon footprint

    Do you want to discover a different, unknown Barcelona while you take your palate on a journey of discovery to sample the finest flavours of the city's locally sourced food? Don't wait any longer and get ready to discover a Barcelona that goes beyond its must-see attractions.

  • Alfresco Barcelona

    Alfresco Barcelona

    Barcelona is Mediterranean, green and blue, and the perfect place to explore in the open air. Summer is the time to enjoy yourself to the full and make the most of Barcelona while you enjoy all the things to do and the different places where you can experience the city alfresco.

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