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Result of your search for "modernisme"

Suggestions 50 - 60 from61
  • Quiosc


  • Spaces of interest

    Spaces of interest

    Barcelona's most interesting places to enjoy with all the family.

  • Casa Felip

    Casa Felip

    The house was built in 1905 for the Felip family to a design by the architect Telm Fernández i Janot, and reminds us of a Venetian palazzo, with its sinuous forms and flights of steps.

  • Undiscovered architectural heritage route

    Undiscovered architectural heritage route

  • Free stuff that you won't find in guidebooks

    Free stuff that you won't find in guidebooks

    If you want to discover Barcelona with alternative experiences, without spending a penny, keep on reading; you'll be interested in this. Every month there are free activities to get you off the sofa or out of your hotel room to explore the city. Here are just some of the things you can do all year round. But keep your eyes peeled because there's something you can do every day in Barcelona without being out of pocket.

  • Gastronomy in cultural centres

    Gastronomy in cultural centres

    Gastronomy and culture go hand in hand so much so that Barcelona combines culture with fine dining. You can eat in a Museum or in a unique builing here... the choice is yours!

  • Barcelona and Accessibility A Wheelchair Users Dream

    Barcelona and Accessibility A Wheelchair Users Dream

    Barcelona was a city that I had dreamed of visiting for such a long time and was firmly at the top of my travel bucket list. So I was beyond thrilled and excited to finally visit beautiful Barcelona for four wonderful days.

  • ExperienceBarcelona an alternative way of enjoying an intensive weekend in the city

    ExperienceBarcelona an alternative way of enjoying an intensive weekend in the city

    Art, gastronomy, views, excursions by sea and historical secrets… you can do a lot in Barcelona in 48 hours, and we had the opportunity to take advantage of all of it on June 16th and 17th with #ExperienceBarcelona. How would you like to discover it too?

  • Autumn's here to bring you a new ExperienceBarcelona

    Autumn's here to bring you a new ExperienceBarcelona

    Autumn brought us a new #BarcelonaExperience… and we enjoyed it to the full! A wine and food tour, a visit to Europe's biggest art nouveau complex, a helicopter ride… Could you ask for anything more?

  • Delve into Barcelona's unknown architecture and the most authentic local flavours with a zerocarbon footprint

    Delve into Barcelona's unknown architecture and the most authentic local flavours with a zerocarbon footprint

    Do you want to discover a different, unknown Barcelona while you take your palate on a journey of discovery to sample the finest flavours of the city's locally sourced food? Don't wait any longer and get ready to discover a Barcelona that goes beyond its must-see attractions.

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