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Result of your search for "tours"

Suggestions 40 - 50 from67
  • Josep Puig i Cadafalch Route

    Josep Puig i Cadafalch Route

    Puig i Cadafalch was a politician and art and architecture historian who became one of the leading figures in the Catalan nationalist movement due to his desire to reclaim Catalonia’s historic and cultural roots. This is reflected in an architecture which evolved from modernisme to noucentisme but never eschewed traditional forms.

  • Palau Baró de Quadras

    Palau Baró de Quadras

    On one side, a neo-Gothic palazzo and, on the other, a "modernista" residential block, the Palau Baró de Quadras is a chocolate box bursting with imagination which changes depending on which side you view it from.

  • Casa Terradas Casa de les Punxes

    Casa Terradas Casa de les Punxes

    A "large Gothic castle" standing in the middle of Barcelona's Avinguda Diagonal which is one of the most recognisable modernista landmarks on the Barcelona skyline.

  • Pailebot Santa Eulàlia

    Pailebot Santa Eulàlia

    A wonderful example of a historic three-masted vessel, which has been restored to the delight of anyone wishing to learn a little bit more about our country's seafaring past.

  • Delta del Llobregat

    Delta del Llobregat

    Just outside Barcelona, the Llobregat Delta is more than a delta. Protected natural areas, beaches, pine groves, fields, walking and bicycle trails, local produce, including artichokes and the blue-legged chicken, viewing areas for plane spotters, water infrastructures…

  • Basilica of Sants Màrtirs Sant Just i Pastor

    Basilica of Sants Màrtirs Sant Just i Pastor

    Tradition has it that this is Barcelona's oldest church. Whether this is true or not, it is clear that this 14th-century building stands in one of the Gothic Quarter's most charming and least explored spots. Another example of the splendour of the city in the medieval era.

  • Avinguda Gaudí

    Avinguda Gaudí

    Like a small diagonal that breaks with the perfect grid layout of the Eixample, the Avinguda Gaudí stretches proudly from the Sagrada Família towards the Hospital de Sant Pau. A semi-pedestrianised street that connects two magnificent landmarks, one by Gaudí and the other by Domènech i Montaner.

  • Cripta Gaudí at the Colonia Güell

    Cripta Gaudí at the Colonia Güell

    The Colònia Güell, one of the most pioneering purpose-built industrial villages of the 19th century is located in the town of Santa Coloma de Cervelló, 23 Km to the south-west of Barcelona. Gaudí developed the architectural innovations of his later works in the church crypt, which has been designated a Unesco World Heritage site.

  • Palau Güell

    Palau Güell

    The Palau Güell was designed by the young Gaudí and is a wonderful blend of medieval opulence and the architect's unique exuberant style. Completed in 1890, the building was the private residence of Gaudí's patron, Count Güell. The Palau Güell is a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site.

  • Barcelona

    The 11 counties in Barcelona province offer you a whole host of possibilities so that you can enjoy leisure, culture and nature.

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