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Result of your search for "tours"

Suggestions 60 - 70 from69
  • The Gothic Quarter and Olimpic Marina by land sea and air

    The Gothic Quarter and Olimpic Marina by land sea and air

    Can you imagine what Barcelona looks like from the sea? And from the sky? Well, now you can find out with a water-based activity in the Olympic Marina combined with a unique cultural tour of the Gothic Quarter, which will ensure you enjoy Barcelona to the full while gaining a different insight into the city.

  • Autumn's here to bring you a new ExperienceBarcelona

    Autumn's here to bring you a new ExperienceBarcelona

    Autumn brought us a new #BarcelonaExperience… and we enjoyed it to the full! A wine and food tour, a visit to Europe's biggest art nouveau complex, a helicopter ride… Could you ask for anything more?

  • Delve into Barcelona's unknown architecture and the most authentic local flavours with a zerocarbon footprint

    Delve into Barcelona's unknown architecture and the most authentic local flavours with a zerocarbon footprint

    Do you want to discover a different, unknown Barcelona while you take your palate on a journey of discovery to sample the finest flavours of the city's locally sourced food? Don't wait any longer and get ready to discover a Barcelona that goes beyond its must-see attractions.

  • Classical emotions emotions on a plate

    Classical emotions emotions on a plate

    Journeys are emotions. Sensations. Small but big experiences. Like the discovery of an innovative, surprising dish. Or the feeling of an aria, the magic of a musical score played by angels. In Barcelona, small but powerful emotions await. At the restaurant table, signature dishes. But in the concert hall too, in the darkness with your favourite composer.

  • Plans for summer in Barcelona Enjoy

    Plans for summer in Barcelona Enjoy

    Look no further, because Barcelona has everything you want. This summer, the city has the best plans for the summer: more than 400 live concerts, international festivals, plans for the evenings so you can escape the heat and enjoy the peace and quiet of the night, cultural activities across the city, food to suit all tastes… and the sea, beaches, boulevards, gardens, shops… Welcome to the summer of your life.

  • Alfresco Barcelona

    Alfresco Barcelona

    Barcelona is Mediterranean, green and blue, and the perfect place to explore in the open air. Summer is the time to enjoy yourself to the full and make the most of Barcelona while you enjoy all the things to do and the different places where you can experience the city alfresco.

  • Experience Barcelona's gastronomy first hand

    Experience Barcelona's gastronomy first hand

    It is almost impossible to visit a city without experiencing its cuisine, and this is an excellent way of getting to know the local culture. Barcelona is no exception to this rule.

  • Picasso Celebration 19732023

    Picasso Celebration 19732023

    In 2023, we will be commemorating the 50th anniversary of Picasso's death and 60 years since the Museu Picasso in Barcelona opened. The city is joining in the official worldwide celebrations with a series of cultural events that everyone can take part in.

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