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Result of your search for "exhibitions"

Suggestions 70 - 80 from71
  • Discover everything Barcelona has in store for you in 2022 You won't want to miss it

    Discover everything Barcelona has in store for you in 2022 You won't want to miss it

    Unique exhibitions, historic concerts, festivals that are an absolute must, and much, much more, are waiting to satisfy your appetite for culture, sport, art, literature, music and popular traditions. Make a note of the dates in your diary, because you won't want to miss out on a single one.

  • Picasso Celebration 19732023

    Picasso Celebration 19732023

    In 2023, we will be commemorating the 50th anniversary of Picasso's death and 60 years since the Museu Picasso in Barcelona opened. The city is joining in the official worldwide celebrations with a series of cultural events that everyone can take part in.

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