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Result of your search for "music"

Suggestions 80 - 90 from84
  • Plans for the summer in Barcelona grab your diary

    Plans for the summer in Barcelona grab your diary

    Summer's here and the city is awash with things to do! Festivals, summer nights, tapas restaurants and terraces… Choose yours and enjoy!

  • Classical emotions emotions on a plate

    Classical emotions emotions on a plate

    Journeys are emotions. Sensations. Small but big experiences. Like the discovery of an innovative, surprising dish. Or the feeling of an aria, the magic of a musical score played by angels. In Barcelona, small but powerful emotions await. At the restaurant table, signature dishes. But in the concert hall too, in the darkness with your favourite composer.

  • Summer festivals in Barcelona the definitive guide

    Summer festivals in Barcelona the definitive guide

     Barcelona's fine weather and eclectic, cosmopolitan spirit make it one of the world's festival capitals. And we're not just talking about music  but practically every artistic trend: literature, film, design, theatre, dance, food… Get ready to cool off with our great choice of culture, concerts and leisure attractions.

  • Barcelona a city that is passionate about classical music

    Barcelona has become a referent in classical music at the European level thanks to a prestigious offer, a continuous program, and spectacular spaces that were designed to enjoy classical music at an exceptional level.

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