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Result of your search for "art"

Suggestions 40 - 50 from92
  • Museums Exhibition centers

    Museums Exhibition centers

    Art, culture, science and entertainment come together in Barcelona's museums.

  • Pla de l'Os

    Pla de l'Os

    Thousands of people walk over Joan Miró's pavement mosaic in the centre of Barcelona's Rambla. It goes unnoticed by some, others stop to look at the characteristic colours used by the Barcelona-born artist. However, few people know that an important Rambla landmark once stood opposite this site: the famous Boqueria gate.

  • Waterfall and lake

    A space of classical beauty in the middle of the Parc de la Ciutadella, surrounded by leafy plants typical of Europe's most romantic gardens.

  • Carrer Montcada

    Carrer Montcada

    Barcelona's Carrer Montcada is lined with a succession of medieval, Renaissance and baroque palazzos, their majestic doorways opening to reveal their beautiful courtyards of venerable stone. They bear witness to the rich and glorious past of medieval Barcelona's main street which was home to the city's nobles.

  • Basilica of Santa Maria del Mar

    Basilica of Santa Maria del Mar

    The basilica of Santa Maria del Mar in Barcelona, also known as the "cathedral of La Ribera", is one of the most perfect examples of Gothic style architecture due to its harmonious proportions and the serenity of the ensemble.

  • Parc Central de Nou Barris

    Parc Central de Nou Barris

    The Parc Central of Nou Barris in Barcelona appears to want to compete with its New York namesake, but on a smaller scale.

  • Montjuïc Cemetery

    Montjuïc Cemetery

    A stroll through Montjuïc Cemetery is like walking through a miniature city: the city of the dead and silence. Winding up the hillside, overlooking the sea, this major necropolis of Barcelona contains valuable examples of funerary art.

  • La Farinera del Clot

    The former Farinera del Clot stands on one side of the Plaça de les Glòries, and its new facilities have been open since 1995. Long gone is the industrial past of an aesthetically elegant building which combines the characteristic elements of the original mill with contemporary structures.

  • Mirador de Colom

    Mirador de Colom

    The Columbus Monument, stands at the end of Barcelona's Rambla, near the sea. Take the lift inside the column to the viewing gallery at the top, 60 metres above the ground.

  • Pavelló Mies van der Rohe

    Pavelló Mies van der Rohe

    Mies van der Rohe, who is considered the father of Modern architecture, designed the German Pavilion for the 1929 Barcelona International Exhibition. Today, we can once again admire this key landmark of 20th century art and architecture as a result of the painstaking reconstruction carried out in the 1980s in Barcelona.

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