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Result of your search for "neighbourhood"

Suggestions 30 - 40 from97
  • Parc de l'Oreneta

    Parc de l'Oreneta

    For grown-ups is an area of urban woodland where they can lose themselves. For the little ones, it represents a world of excitement.

  • Old part of the neighbourhood Sarrià

    The old part of Sarrià, with its small squares and main street, the Carrer Major, perfectly mirrors the history of the neighbourhood, where nearly every house and building reveals the origins of what was once one of the most prosperous villages on the Barcelona plain.

  • Parc de l'Espanya Industrial

    Parc de l'Espanya Industrial

    A small boating lake, a giant sculpture of a dragon, grassy areas, Mediterranean trees and sports fields. The perfect spot for a family picnic far from the noise and bustle of the city.

  • Nou Barris

    Nou Barris

    The district of Nou Barris comprises 13 neighbourhoods, each one with its own secrets and hidden corners that are waiting to be discovered. They are blue-collar areas with a lot of character, which have evolved as a result of struggles by the community to improve their services and infrastructures. Now they are proud to show visitors the attractive and innovative green areas which are well worth discovering.

  • Parc Central de Nou Barris

    Parc Central de Nou Barris

    The Parc Central of Nou Barris in Barcelona appears to want to compete with its New York namesake, but on a smaller scale.

  • Parc del Turó de la Peira

    Parc del Turó de la Peira

    High up in Nou Barris, the leafy pine grove in the Turó de la Peira is filled with the scent of Mediterranean plants, and it is easy to forget, for a few minutes, that you are in Barcelona.

  • HortaGuinardó


    Barcelona's third largest district is characterised by its uneven landform consisting of mountains, hills and valleys, as well as the abundance of green areas that make it one of the most attractive spots for people in search of peace and quiet in the open air.

  • Parc del Laberint

    Parc del Laberint

    The green jewel of the Horta and Guinardó district. Designed in 1792 by the Italian engineer Domenico Bagutti, this is Barcelona's oldest garden.

  • The old part of Poblenou

    The old part of Poblenou

    The old Poblenou of narrow streets and modest dwellings, where blue-collar workers and fishermen once lived, still exists. A Poblenou close to the sea which comprises the oldest part of district 10 and is well worth the detour in order to sample the contrasts of this area in the Sant Martí district.

  • Sant Andreu

    Sant Andreu

    Sant Andreu was originally an agricultural community, which became one of the city's main industrial and retail districts. In recent years, the area has evolved at a rapid pace, with improvements being made to abandoned industrial sites and derelict plots of land which have been incorporated into the traditional areas of Sant Andreu, with its main square, the Plaça del Mercadal, and the church of Sant Andreu del Palomar.

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