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Result of your search for "espai singular"

Suggestions 90 - 100 from99
  • Tibidabo the magic mountain

    Tibidabo the magic mountain

    It isnt surprising that the Barcelona locals nicknamed Tibidabo "the magic mountain". Standing 515 metres high, it's the tallest point on the Collserola Ridge and its distinctive outline features on many postcards of the city.

  • The district of Sant Andreu Barcelona at its most authentic

    The district of Sant Andreu Barcelona at its most authentic

    There are many Barcelonas, and the district of Sant Andreu is one of the clearest examples of this. Although outside the city centre, it is steeped in the essence of Catalonia: picturesque spots, history, centuries-old shops and futuristic amenities blend harmoniously. Come and visit and you'll feel like a genuine Barcelonian.

  • Barcelona a bird's eye view

    Barcelona a bird's eye view

    The best way to admire Barcelona in all its beauty is from high above the city. This is where Barcelona reveals itself in total splendour. Standing on a plain surrounded by ridges and low peaks, its unequalled geographical location conceals countless viewing spots, or miradors, that make it a treat for the most inquisitive eyes. Shall we take a look?

  • Literary Barcelona at its best

    Literary Barcelona at its best

    Barcelona contains a host of literary Settings and many novels have vicariously helped their readers to travel. Now you can tour the city by following the Settings of certain books written by internationally renowned authors. We propose you 5 literary routes.

  • ExperienceBarcelona an alternative way of enjoying an intensive weekend in the city

    ExperienceBarcelona an alternative way of enjoying an intensive weekend in the city

    Art, gastronomy, views, excursions by sea and historical secrets… you can do a lot in Barcelona in 48 hours, and we had the opportunity to take advantage of all of it on June 16th and 17th with #ExperienceBarcelona. How would you like to discover it too?

  • Culture and food in Barcelona to suit all tastes

    Culture and food in Barcelona to suit all tastes

    If you can picture yourself enjoying the most iconic architecture and finest food, Barcelona is the place for you. You can dine at superb restaurants inside landmarks of historic and architectural interest. Have we whet your appetite?

  • Delve into Barcelona's unknown architecture and the most authentic local flavours with a zerocarbon footprint

    Delve into Barcelona's unknown architecture and the most authentic local flavours with a zerocarbon footprint

    Do you want to discover a different, unknown Barcelona while you take your palate on a journey of discovery to sample the finest flavours of the city's locally sourced food? Don't wait any longer and get ready to discover a Barcelona that goes beyond its must-see attractions.

  • Classical emotions emotions on a plate

    Classical emotions emotions on a plate

    Journeys are emotions. Sensations. Small but big experiences. Like the discovery of an innovative, surprising dish. Or the feeling of an aria, the magic of a musical score played by angels. In Barcelona, small but powerful emotions await. At the restaurant table, signature dishes. But in the concert hall too, in the darkness with your favourite composer.

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