What to visit / Themed routes / Women of Ciutat Vella walk

Women of Ciutat Vella walk

The cobbled streets and squares of the old town, Ciutat Vella, are peppered with stories in which women are the true protagonists. Writers, saints, marchionesses, singers, doctors, music hall stars, housewives… a truly eclectic mix, don’t you think? Their status, and the roles they have played, mean they have all brought something essential to the history of Barcelona, and each one has made a contribution to the fight for women’s rights and equality.

How did they do it? Their achievements are very different. Dolors Aleu, for instance, was the first woman in Spain to obtain a university degree. Others, like “La Moños”, have become much-loved, iconic figures without intending to be. Montserrat Caballé was the voice of Barcelona around the world, earning international renown as a soprano. And the city has not one but two patron saints: Saint Eulalia and Our Lady of Mercy, La Mercè. They each have their own festival, one in summer and the other in winter.

The “Women of Ciutat Vella” walk gives you the opportunity to find out about them and their associations with these streets and squares, as you visit the places that were part of their lives.

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