What to visit / Themed routes / Women of Ciutat Vella walk / Àngels Grases

Àngels Grases

Founder of the Pròleg library

The bookshop Pròleg on Carrer Sant Pere Més Alt is one of Barcelona’s most important feminist spaces. It was founded by Àngels Grases in 1990 following the closure of the bar and bookshop LaSal, shortly after the International Feminist Book Fair had been held in Barcelona.

Pròleg is the only remaining bookshop in the city specialising in writing for and by women. It also has an exhibition space and a room for panel discussions and workshops. Grases had been a dedicated activist since her youth, when she joined a feminist movement and met with other women at the Ca la Dona association, which re-mains open today and is home to a documentation centre about feminism in Catalonia.

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