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Result of your search for "art"

Suggestions 60 - 70 from95
  • Barcino by Joan Brossa

    Barcino by Joan Brossa

    This visual poem by Joan Brossa stands just in front of Barcelona's Roman wall, where the aqueduct once entered the city. This curious sculpture, which blends in perfectly with the city's most ancient stones, spells out the word Barcino, the Roman name of Barcelona, and is the artist's tribute to the ancient colony.

  • Barcelona Face Roy Lichtenstein

    Barcelona Face Roy Lichtenstein

    The colour and size of the sculpture Barcelona Face make it impossible to miss.

  • Fallen Sky Beverly Pepper

    Fallen Sky Beverly Pepper

    A fallen sky is reflected in the undulating forms emerging from the grass in Barcelona's Parc de l'Estació del Nord, in a subtle interplay with the natural surface. This is the sculptural ensemble designed by Beverly Pepper to decorate the new park laid out on the site of a disused railway station.

  • Despair Josep Llimona

    Despair Josep Llimona

    A paradigmatic work of Catalan art nouveau, modernisme, replete with symbolism while stripped of dramatism. The idealisation of the female form and the theme of sorrow were characteristic of the taste of the period.

  • Woman and Bird Joan Miró

    Woman and Bird Joan Miró

    A giant form protrudes from one end of the Parc de Joan Miró in Barcelona. It is the sculpture Woman and Bird by the Barcelona-born artist Joan Miró. The sculpture is one of Barcelona's iconic artistic landmarks.

  • In Praise of Water Eduardo Chillida

    In Praise of Water Eduardo Chillida

    Matter and space are the elements Eduardo Chillida played with in the design of his works. In Praise of Water bears the clear imprint of its creator. The harmony and weight of the work contrast with the great dynamism and expressive strength of this solid sculpture suspended over the water.

  • Fountain of Diana Venanci Vallmitjana

    Fountain of Diana Venanci Vallmitjana

    This monument dedicated to the goddess Diana the huntress, which stands in the central section of Barcelona's Gran Via. The sculpture depicts the goddess seated at the top of a fountain, wearing a tunic and with the bow which helps us identify her.

  • Cat Fernando Botero

    Cat Fernando Botero

    A true symbol of Barcelona and the Raval neighbourhood. He seems to feel comfortable here at the end of the avenue in this neighbourhood, after spending 15 years looking for a home. Botero's Cat is greeted with a smile by everyone.

  • L'Estel ferit The Wounded Shooting Star Rebecca Horn

    L'Estel ferit The Wounded Shooting Star Rebecca Horn

    Most people refer to this popular landmark as "the cubes", and it is a clear reflection of Barcelona's penchant for ground-breaking art during the Olympic period. However, its symbolism is inextricably linked to the past of the Barceloneta district.

  • Mural de les Olles Pot Mural Frederic Amat

    Mural de les Olles Pot Mural Frederic Amat

    1,500 ceramic pots hang from a wall. They look as if they might fall to the ground at any moment. The originality and profound symbolism of this mural make it a unique decorative work in the centre of the performing arts complex, the Ciutat del Teatre.

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