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Result of your search for "espai singular"

Suggestions 50 - 60 from99
  • Four days in Barcelona

    Four days in Barcelona

    You can get a lot out of four days in Barcelona if you plan your visit carefully. Here are some suggestions which include the city’s main landmarks and even invite you to discover some of the areas outside Barcelona, so that you can really make the most of your trip.

  • Barcelona Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Santa Eulàlia

    Barcelona Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Santa Eulàlia

    The Catedral de la Santa Creu i Santa Eulàlia watches impassively the passing of time in a constantly moving and changing Barcelona. The Cathedral also reflects the different generations who have left their imprint and the blend of architectural styles in this predominantly Gothic building which needs to be viewed inside in order to fully understand its splendour.

  • Basilica of la Sagrada Família

    Basilica of la Sagrada Família

    The Sagrada Família is Antoni Gaudí's best-known work and has become an undisputed symbol of Barcelona. This unique modern temple has been under construction since 1882, and is expected to be completed by 2026.

  • Torre Bellesguard and viaduct

    Torre Bellesguard and viaduct

    The Casa Bellesguard stands at the foot of the Collserola Ridge, on a site which boasts magnificent views of Barcelona. The building's medieval past inspired Gaudí when he designed this innovative, but essentially neo-Gothic house, which has a curious viaduct next to it.

  • Pavellons de la Finca Güell

    Pavellons de la Finca Güell

    Fantasy and technical innovation come together in the former gatehouses of the Güell Estate, on Barcelona's Avinguda Pedralbes.

  • Sant Antoni Market

    Sant Antoni Market

    A historic market which retains the architecture, vibrancy and charm of its origins.

  • Casa Milà La Pedrera

    Casa Milà La Pedrera

    In the central Barcelona's Passeig de Gràcia, we find the Casa Milà or La Pedrera, a blend of fantasy and functionality make this architectural landmark a must-see visitor attraction.

  • Casa Batlló 10D Experience

    Casa Batlló 10D Experience

    The colour and fantasy of the Casa Batlló captivates passers-by on the Passeig de Gràcia. Standing halfway up this elegant boulevard and in a strongly contrasting style to the neighbouring houses, the Casa Amatller and Casa Lleó Morera, Gaudí's building reveals the splendour of an architect who was able to work on this project with total creative freedom.

  • Casa Lleó Morera

    Casa Lleó Morera

    Some people say that the Casa Lleó Morera is a family-size version of the Palau de la Música. Although the Palau is considered the epitome of modernista architecture due to its elaborate decorative elements, the artistic splendour of this house is also beyond dispute.

  • Park Güell

    Park Güell

    No work by Gaudí better encapsulates the complete and perfect harmony of nature and architecture than Barcelona's Park Güell.

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