Things to do / With the family / Museums with the family

Museums with the family

  • Museu de la Ciència Cosmocaixa Barcelona

  • Galeria de les Il·lusions

  • Museu de Cera de Barcelona

  • Museu de la Ciència Cosmocaixa Barcelona

Barcelona's museums offer a wide range of workshops and hands-on experiences that are constantly being updated, meaning that adventures are guaranteed for all the family on every visit. From sharing experiences with art, history and the humanities at Caixaforum, the Fundació Miró, the Museu Picasso and the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, to discovering science and the constellations at Museu de la Ciència Cosmocaixa and the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, and experiencing the world of sport at the Barça Immersive tour and the Museu Olímpic i de l'Esport.

You can also sign up for a chocolate lollipop-making class at the Museu de la Xocolata, make Korean percussion instruments at the Museu de la Música, make a wicker basket at the Botanical Gardens, travel back to Roman and medieval times for a day at the MUHBA and the Museu d'Història de Catalunya, or build a submarine in a bottle at the Museu Marítim de Barcelona.

You will also find original and fun museums such as the Gallery of Illusions and the Big Fun Museum full of optical illusions, or the Wax Museum with more than 150 figures of characters who have made history.

There are endless things to do that you and the kids can't afford to miss!

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