Things to do / With the family / Museums with the family / Science and Technology Museums / Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona - Edifici Fòrum
  • Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona. JM del LLobet

  • Museu de les Ciències Naturals de Barcelona

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Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona - Edifici Fòrum

The museum features the permanent exhibition Planet Life, which traces the history of the evolution of life and the Earth, and a portrait of the diversity of nature. Using the latest display technologies, the museum showcases part of the zoology, geology and botany collections that the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona has preserved throughout its 140-year history. The museum offers space for temporary exhibitions and educational and informative activities. It will also have the Science Nest (for children aged 0 to 6), a mediatheque and a shop.

The Terrat Viu is the first wild roof in Barcelona. It is a space of 7,100m2 with flora adapted to the Mediterranean climate and the proximity of the sea. From the Terrat Viu you can enjoy magnificent and unprecedented views of the coast of Barcelona and the Maresme coast.

The museum is housed inside the distinctive, triangular Forum building designed in 2004 by the Swiss architects Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron, the winners of the prestigious Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2001. It is 25 metres high and 180 metres wide. The rough dark-blue façade is interspersed with strips of glass reminiscent of water cascading from the roof. The structure is suspended in the air by seventeen pillars, creating a covered space for public use at street level. The Forum is an iconic landmark of the new Barcelona.

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