What to visit / Themed routes / Undiscovered architectural heritage route

Undiscovered architectural heritage

On this trail you'll discover an unknown part of the city's architectural heritage in Barcelona's different neighbourhoods, encompassing the entire history of the city. In the old town, Ciutat Vella, you'll be able to admire such treasures as the Roman temple of Augustus, in the heart of the Gothic Quarter, which retains its impressive columns dating from the 1st century BC; the church of the former monastery of Sant Pau del Camp in the Raval, a unique example of 12th-century Romanesque architecture in Barcelona; and the exceptional Palau Requesens, the largest private palace in medieval Barcelona and built on top of the Roman city wall. In the Born you can visit the Palau de Dalmases, a magnificent example of baroque architecture, as well as the Born Centre de Cultura i Memòria, housed in the former Born Market that contains archaeological remains of the neighbourhood that existed at the beginning of the 18th century. The Reial Acadèmia de Medicina, a truly beautiful example of neoclassical architecture, with its impressive amphitheatre, or the Casa de la Seda, the only guild hall in Barcelona open to the public, are other examples that won't fail to amaze you.

There are other art-nouveau, or modernista, gems in the Eixample, in addition to star attractions like La Pedrera and the Casa Batlló. Equally stunning, but less well-known buildings, such as Puig i Cadafalch's Palau Baró de Quadras, Domènech i Montaner's Casa Lleó Morera, and the Casa Felip, which is reminiscent of a Venetian palazzo, are well worth a visit.

Barcelona's textile past is a fascinating part of the city's history that we recommend you explore. The Fabra i Coats factory in Sant Andreu and the Can Ricart and Can Felipa textile mills in Sant Martí are fine examples of the way the city's industrial heritage has been repurposed to provide community spaces without losing any of its original architectural features.

Come and explore the undiscovered Barcelona!

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