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Result of your search for "modernisme"

Suggestions 30 - 40 from61
  • Casa Lleó Morera

    Casa Lleó Morera

    Some people say that the Casa Lleó Morera is a family-size version of the Palau de la Música. Although the Palau is considered the epitome of modernista architecture due to its elaborate decorative elements, the artistic splendour of this house is also beyond dispute.

  • Park Güell

    Park Güell

    No work by Gaudí better encapsulates the complete and perfect harmony of nature and architecture than Barcelona's Park Güell.

  • Lluís Domènech i Montaner route

    Lluís Domènech i Montaner route

    The architectural works of Lluís Domènech i Montaner epitomise the Catalan modernista style. They encapsulate the endeavours of a humanist who knew how to integrate modernity and tradition into works of great formal beauty and rationalism, which contributed to the splendour of modernisme in Barcelona.

  • Josep Puig i Cadafalch Route

    Josep Puig i Cadafalch Route

    Puig i Cadafalch was a politician and art and architecture historian who became one of the leading figures in the Catalan nationalist movement due to his desire to reclaim Catalonia’s historic and cultural roots. This is reflected in an architecture which evolved from modernisme to noucentisme but never eschewed traditional forms.

  • Casa Roviralta

    Casa Roviralta

    Known by locals as "El frare blanc" (the white friar), this majestic "modernista" villa stands out on the elegant Avinguda del Tibidabo, in the neighbourhood of Sant Gervasi.

  • Palau Baró de Quadras

    Palau Baró de Quadras

    On one side, a neo-Gothic palazzo and, on the other, a "modernista" residential block, the Palau Baró de Quadras is a chocolate box bursting with imagination which changes depending on which side you view it from.

  • Casa Terradas Casa de les Punxes

    Casa Terradas Casa de les Punxes

    A "large Gothic castle" standing in the middle of Barcelona's Avinguda Diagonal which is one of the most recognisable modernista landmarks on the Barcelona skyline.

  • Casa Fuster

    Casa Fuster

    It is considered one of the most costly buildings ever built in the city, and it is precisely the combination of simplicity and harmonious décor which imbues the building with its great value and beauty.

  • Casa Comalat

    Casa Comalat

    Like a tribute to Gaudí, the Casa Comalat contains many elements of Gaudí's architecture, and is one of the most original examples of home-grown art nouveau in Barcelona: modernisme.

  • Casa Sayrach

    Casa Sayrach

    One of the last modernista buildings in Barcelona stands imposingly on the Avinguda Diagonal, and encapsulates everything the masters of the style had achieved in Barcelona. Graceful and elegant, its beauty lies in the understated curves of the façade.

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